In 2022 Dunoon Community Shed was awarded the Queen’s Award For Voluntary Service
The Dunoon Community Shed is run entirely by volunteers and we are always looking for people who would like to help develop the Shed.
Governance is taken care of by a board of five Trustees who make sure that the Shed operates in line with Charity law and in accordance with good practice and health and safety. The Trustees work with the membership to decide direction and approve expenditure and works. As required by our constitution, there are a Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
The day to day operation of the Shed is looked after by the Shed Subcommittee who work with the Trustees on practical matters such as maintenance, reception, booking of jobs, etc.
Group organisers run activities within the Community Shed. These include such groups as the model railway group, textile crafts, scale modelling, Art, woodworking, engineering, music, exercise and gardening.
We work with other organisations in the local area.