On 24th October 2023 Dunoon Community Shed completed the purchase of the building previously owned by Dunoon Ceramics. The building, comprising a total of around 11,000 square feet, was built in 1975 and was later divided into two units. We obtained a substantial grant from the Scottish Land Fund and we would like to thank the community of Dunoon and Cowal for its support in the application process.
Dunoon Men’s Shed moved there in 2018 and rented Unit 2. This was primarily a large workshop area comprising woodworking, engineering, repairs, electronics and picture framing.
Now that we own the whole building, we have reconnected the two units and we are in the process of renovating and building out the space. The area previously offices is being repaired first and is being occupied by Ceci Alderton’s textile workshop, the model railway group and our sewing machine repair and servicing expert.
The rest of the building will be developed for activities reflecting the interests of the community as expressed in the consultations carried out as part of the planning process.